At this year's Mobile World Congress, the first glasses of ZEISS has been announced that offer Mixed Reality in form of a "normal" shape
of glasses. This is an important milestone
after the appearance of the Microsoft Hololens, because the ZEISS glasses are much more simple to wear.
Here is the press release of Telecom and ZEISS.
MR and AR become reality now. MR becomes much simpler and easier to use now. In 10 years from now, everybody will be tempted to wear these classes. What will change in our world?
- We will have many advantages from MR, such as help systems for unknown environments, information about the state of machines, interactions with machines and robots, and many more.
- However, will we be able to live free like before? Everyone carrying such glasses can be tracked!
We need an extension of the German constitution ensuring the right of "personal non-tracking" when wearing an MR device.
Here you can see some of the first experiments of our chair with the Hololense. We did them in the project
CyPhyMan on cyber-physical production management. It had several demos the the fair INservFM on facility management: