Montag, 16. Januar 2017

Smart Systems Hub Dresden

Last week, the government of Saxony has announced in a press conference the Smart Systems Hub enabling IoT, the Dresden initiative to take part in the initiative de:hubs of BMWI.

This includes two new buildings, the Lehmannzentrum part II, collecting all IT institutes of TU Dresden, as well as a Co-Innovation Center (CIC) for the Smart Systems Hub, a new form of technology center.


The taskforce of the Smart Systems Hub is headed by Prof. Frank Fitzek (ETIT, TU Dresden). Prof. Aßmann is a member. The taskforce prepares a proposal for the BMWI. In June 2017, at the IT-Summit in Ludwigshafen, Dresden wants to join the de:hubs. 

The purpose of the Smart Systems Hub is to provide a platform to transform classic industries with IoT technology ("digitization"). Therefore, a Hub Agency will mediate external, national, and international parties with Dresden and Saxon players for IoT technology. 
  • Jungle trails through the Smart Systems Hub will be defined, on which parties can meet 
  • Common research and transfer projects will be defined.
  • Prototypes of wild ideas will be tested in the IoT makerspaces and living labs of the Smart Systems Hub. 
  • Students will be involved in the Co-Working Space.
  • Corporate partners can host a jungle trail. 

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